Verbo to stagnate - Verbo to stagnate en espa帽ol estancar - Oraciones | Definiciones

Detalles y formas del verbo To stagnate

Infinitivo: to stagnate

Gerundio: stagnating

Pasado: stagnated

Participio: stagnated

驴 Cu谩ntas palabras crees que puedes escribir en un minuto ?

Presente Simple del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I stagnate
  • volume_up
    You stagnate
  • volume_up
    He/She/It stagnates
  • volume_up
    We stagnate
  • volume_up
    They stagnate

Presente Continuo del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I am stagnating
  • volume_up
    You are stagnating
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is stagnating
  • volume_up
    We are stagnating
  • volume_up
    They are stagnating

Pasado Simple del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I stagnated
  • volume_up
    You stagnated
  • volume_up
    He/She/It stagnated
  • volume_up
    We stagnated
  • volume_up
    They stagnated

Pasado Continuo del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I was stagnating
  • volume_up
    You were stagnating
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was stagnating
  • volume_up
    We were stagnating
  • volume_up
    They were stagnating

Presente Perfecto del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I have stagnated
  • volume_up
    You have stagnated
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has stagnated
  • volume_up
    We have stagnated
  • volume_up
    They have stagnated

Pasado Perfecto del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I had stagnated
  • volume_up
    You had stagnated
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had stagnated
  • volume_up
    We had stagnated
  • volume_up
    They had stagnated

Futuro Simple del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up
    I will stagnate
  • volume_up
    You will stagnate
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will stagnate
  • volume_up
    We will stagnate
  • volume_up
    They will stagnate

Imperativo del verbo to stagnate

  • volume_up

41 Oraciones con el verbo to stagnate

  • 1
    She stagnates in her job because there are no opportunities for growth..
  • 2
    I have been stagnating in this town for years; it's time for a change..
  • 3
    They will stagnate in poverty if they don't find a way to improve their situation..
  • 4
    He had stagnated in his career until he decided to pursue further education..
  • 5
    We are afraid that the company's profits will stagnate if we don't implement new strategies..
  • 6
    You can't expect to grow if you stagnate in your comfort zone..
  • 7
    The economy has been stagnating for months, and people are struggling to find jobs..
  • 8
    She stagnated in her relationship with her partner because they couldn't communicate effectively..
  • 9
    I had to leave that company because I felt like I was stagnating professionally..
  • 10
    They are afraid that their skills will stagnate if they don't keep learning..
  • 11
    He stagnated in his depression until he sought help from a therapist..
  • 12
    We have been stagnating in our efforts to save money for a house..
  • 13
    You will stagnate in your fitness goals if you don't challenge yourself..
  • 14
    The project has been stagnating due to a lack of funding..
  • 15
    She is afraid that her creativity will stagnate if she doesn't find inspiration..
  • 16
    I had stagnated in my writing until I joined a writing group..
  • 17
    They were stagnating in their marriage until they went to couples therapy..
  • 18
    He has been stagnating in his musical career and needs a breakthrough..
  • 19
    We can't let our relationship stagnate; we need to keep working on it..
  • 20
    You may stagnate in your career if you don't network and build connections..
  • 21
    The company's growth has stagnated due to poor management decisions..
  • 22
    She fears that her skills will stagnate if she stays in the same job for too long..
  • 23
    I had been stagnating in my studies until I found a tutor..
  • 24
    They had stagnated in their weight loss journey until they hired a personal trainer..
  • 25
    He will stagnate in his personal development if he doesn't seek new experiences..
  • 26
    We are worried that our team's performance will stagnate if we don't provide proper training..
  • 27
    You don't want to stagnate in your language learning; practice regularly..
  • 28
    The economy has stagnated, and people are struggling to find employment..
  • 29
    She is stagnating in her career because she refuses to take on new challenges..
  • 30
    I had stagnated in my artistic pursuits until I enrolled in an art class..
  • 31
    They were stagnating in their relationship, so they decided to take a break..
  • 32
    He has been stagnating in his job for years without any chance for promotion..
  • 33
    We must prevent our skills from stagnating by continually learning and growing..
  • 34
    You will stagnate in your business if you don't adapt to changing market trends..
  • 35
    The project stagnated because of a lack of support from upper management..
  • 36
    She worries that her writing will stagnate if she doesn't read more books..
  • 37
    I had stagnated in my career until I took on new responsibilities..
  • 38
    They fear that their relationship will stagnate if they don't make an effort to reconnect..
  • 39
    He is stagnating in his studies because he lacks motivation..
  • 40
    We had been stagnating in our fitness journey until we hired a personal trainer..
  • 41
    You may stagnate in your personal growth if you don't step out of your comfort zone..