Verbo to infer - Verbo to infer en espa帽ol inferir - Oraciones | Definiciones

Detalles y formas del verbo To infer

Infinitivo: to infer

Gerundio: inferring

Pasado: inferred

Participio: inferred

驴 Cu谩ntas palabras crees que puedes escribir en un minuto ?

Presente Simple del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I infer
  • volume_up
    You infer
  • volume_up
    He/She/It infers
  • volume_up
    We infer
  • volume_up
    They infer

Presente Continuo del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I am inferring
  • volume_up
    You are inferring
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is inferring
  • volume_up
    We are inferring
  • volume_up
    They are inferring

Pasado Simple del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I inferred
  • volume_up
    You inferred
  • volume_up
    He/She/It inferred
  • volume_up
    We inferred
  • volume_up
    They inferred

Pasado Continuo del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I was inferring
  • volume_up
    You were inferring
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was inferring
  • volume_up
    We were inferring
  • volume_up
    They were inferring

Presente Perfecto del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I have inferred
  • volume_up
    You have inferred
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has inferred
  • volume_up
    We have inferred
  • volume_up
    They have inferred

Pasado Perfecto del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I had inferred
  • volume_up
    You had inferred
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had inferred
  • volume_up
    We had inferred
  • volume_up
    They had inferred

Futuro Simple del verbo to infer

  • volume_up
    I will infer
  • volume_up
    You will infer
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will infer
  • volume_up
    We will infer
  • volume_up
    They will infer

Imperativo del verbo to infer

  • volume_up

40 Oraciones con el verbo to infer

  • 1
    She inferred that he was lying based on his body language..
  • 2
    They inferred from the evidence that the suspect was guilty..
  • 3
    I will infer the meaning of the text from the context..
  • 4
    He inferred that she didn't like the movie because of her facial expression..
  • 5
    We can infer from her reaction that she is not happy with the decision..
  • 6
    They inferred that the company was going bankrupt due to the recent layoffs..
  • 7
    She will infer the answer by analyzing the data..
  • 8
    He inferred that they were dating based on their behavior..
  • 9
    I have inferred from his tone of voice that he is upset..
  • 10
    We can infer from the results that the experiment was successful..
  • 11
    They inferred from the empty fridge that she had forgotten to go grocery shopping..
  • 12
    She will infer the solution to the problem by using logical reasoning..
  • 13
    He inferred from her smile that she was pleased with the surprise..
  • 14
    They inferred from the footprints that someone had been in the room..
  • 15
    I have inferred from his absence that he won't be attending the meeting..
  • 16
    We can infer from her silence that she doesn't agree with the proposal..
  • 17
    She inferred that he was nervous from his shaky hands..
  • 18
    He inferred from her reaction that she didn't like his gift..
  • 19
    They will infer the truth by examining the available evidence..
  • 20
    I have inferred from the email that the event has been canceled..
  • 21
    We can infer from his statement that he has changed his mind..
  • 22
    She inferred that he was lying based on inconsistencies in his story..
  • 23
    He inferred from her raised eyebrow that she was skeptical..
  • 24
    They inferred from the unfinished painting that the artist had lost interest..
  • 25
    She will infer from the missing item that it was stolen..
  • 26
    I have inferred from the weather forecast that it will rain tomorrow..
  • 27
    We can infer from their smiles that they are enjoying themselves..
  • 28
    They inferred from the empty parking lot that the store was closed..
  • 29
    She inferred from the scratch on the car that it had been in an accident..
  • 30
    He will infer from the broken window that someone broke into the house..
  • 31
    I have inferred from her tone of voice that she is angry..
  • 32
    We can infer from his nod that he agrees with the plan..
  • 33
    She inferred that he was tired based on his yawning..
  • 34
    He inferred from her raised voice that she was upset..
  • 35
    They inferred from the empty seats that the concert was canceled..
  • 36
    She will infer from the lack of response that her message was ignored..
  • 37
    I have inferred from the time on the clock that I am late..
  • 38
    We can infer from his smile that he is happy..
  • 39
    They inferred from the closed blinds that nobody was home..
  • 40
    She inferred from the long line that the restaurant was popular..