Verb to slight - Verbo to slight en español desairar

Details and forms of the verb To slight

Infinitive: to slight

Gerund: slighting

Past: slighted

Participle: slighted

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Present Simple of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I slight
  • volume_up
    You slight
  • volume_up
    He/She/It slights
  • volume_up
    We slight
  • volume_up
    They slight

Present Continuous of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I am slighting
  • volume_up
    You are slighting
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is slighting
  • volume_up
    We are slighting
  • volume_up
    They are slighting

Past Simple of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I slighted
  • volume_up
    You slighted
  • volume_up
    He/She/It slighted
  • volume_up
    We slighted
  • volume_up
    They slighted

Past Continuous of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I was slighting
  • volume_up
    You were slighting
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was slighting
  • volume_up
    We were slighting
  • volume_up
    They were slighting

Present Perfect of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I have slighted
  • volume_up
    You have slighted
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has slighted
  • volume_up
    We have slighted
  • volume_up
    They have slighted

Past Perfect of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I had slighted
  • volume_up
    You had slighted
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had slighted
  • volume_up
    We had slighted
  • volume_up
    They had slighted

Future Simple of the verb to slight

  • volume_up
    I will slight
  • volume_up
    You will slight
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will slight
  • volume_up
    We will slight
  • volume_up
    They will slight

Imperativo del verbo to slight

  • volume_up

44 Sentences with the verb to slight

  • 1
    She slighted him by ignoring his ideas during the meeting..
  • 2
    I felt slighted when they didn't invite me to the party..
  • 3
    They were slighting us by not including our team in the project..
  • 4
    He will slight you if you don't meet his expectations..
  • 5
    We have been slighted by their lack of appreciation for our hard work..
  • 6
    You shouldn't slight her just because she's new to the team..
  • 7
    The teacher slighted the student by criticizing their work in front of the whole class..
  • 8
    They had been slighting me for years, so I finally decided to confront them..
  • 9
    She had slighted him in the past, but now she wants to make amends..
  • 10
    I will not slight my friends by excluding them from important events..
  • 11
    He would never intentionally slight his colleagues..
  • 12
    We are going to slight them by not inviting them to the celebration..
  • 13
    You are slighting yourself by not acknowledging your own accomplishments..
  • 14
    She had been slighting me for a long time, and it hurt my feelings..
  • 15
    They will slight him if he doesn't perform well in the audition..
  • 16
    We have been slighted in the past, so we are more cautious now..
  • 17
    You shouldn't slight them just because they have different opinions..
  • 18
    The manager slighted his employees by taking credit for their ideas..
  • 19
    They had been slighting each other for years, and it had created a toxic work environment..
  • 20
    She had slighted him before, so he was hesitant to trust her again..
  • 21
    I cannot slight my family by not attending important occasions..
  • 22
    He wouldn't intentionally slight his friends by not inviting them to his wedding..
  • 23
    We are slighting them by not paying attention to their needs..
  • 24
    You are slighting yourself by not taking care of your physical and mental well-being..
  • 25
    She had been slighting me for so long that I had to end our friendship..
  • 26
    They will slight him if he continues to be disrespectful towards them..
  • 27
    We had been slighted by their constant criticism, so we decided to leave the team..
  • 28
    You shouldn't slight them just because they have different beliefs..
  • 29
    The professor slighted his students by not providing clear instructions for the assignment..
  • 30
    They had been slighting each other for years, and it had ruined their relationship..
  • 31
    She had slighted him in the past, but now she wants to make things right..
  • 32
    I will not slight my colleagues by not including them in important decisions..
  • 33
    He wouldn't intentionally slight his clients by not delivering on his promises..
  • 34
    We are going to slight them by not giving them credit for their contributions..
  • 35
    You are slighting yourself by not pursuing your dreams..
  • 36
    She had been slighting me for a long time, and it damaged our friendship..
  • 37
    They will slight him if he doesn't apologize for his behavior..
  • 38
    We have been slighted by their unfair treatment, so we are seeking justice..
  • 39
    You shouldn't slight them just because they have different backgrounds..
  • 40
    The coach slighted his players by favoring certain team members over others..
  • 41
    They had been slighting each other for years, and it had strained their relationship..
  • 42
    She had slighted him before, but now she wants to reconcile..
  • 43
    I will not slight my neighbors by ignoring their concerns..
  • 44
    He wouldn't intentionally slight his employees by not recognizing their achievements..