Verb to include - Verbo to include en español incluir

Details and forms of the verb To include

Infinitive: to include

Gerund: including

Past: included

Participle: included

¿ Cuántas palabras crees que puedes escribir en un minuto ?

Present Simple of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I include
  • volume_up
    You include
  • volume_up
    He/She/It includes
  • volume_up
    We include
  • volume_up
    They include

Present Continuous of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I am including
  • volume_up
    You are including
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is including
  • volume_up
    We are including
  • volume_up
    They are including

Past Simple of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I included
  • volume_up
    You included
  • volume_up
    He/She/It included
  • volume_up
    We included
  • volume_up
    They included

Past Continuous of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I was including
  • volume_up
    You were including
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was including
  • volume_up
    We were including
  • volume_up
    They were including

Present Perfect of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I have included
  • volume_up
    You have included
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has included
  • volume_up
    We have included
  • volume_up
    They have included

Past Perfect of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I had included
  • volume_up
    You had included
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had included
  • volume_up
    We had included
  • volume_up
    They had included

Future Simple of the verb to include

  • volume_up
    I will include
  • volume_up
    You will include
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will include
  • volume_up
    We will include
  • volume_up
    They will include

Imperativo del verbo to include

  • volume_up

40 Sentences with the verb to include

  • 1
    I include fresh vegetables in my daily meals..
  • 2
    You include your favorite songs in your playlist..
  • 3
    He includes important dates in his calendar..
  • 4
    She includes her contact information in her email signature..
  • 5
    We include a map in our travel guide..
  • 6
    They include a disclaimer in their terms and conditions..
  • 7
    The company includes a warranty with their products..
  • 8
    You and I include healthy snacks in our lunchboxes..
  • 9
    He and she include their parents in family gatherings..
  • 10
    We and they include our pets in family photos..
  • 11
    I included a note with the package..
  • 12
    You included a receipt in the envelope..
  • 13
    He included a bonus in the employee's paycheck..
  • 14
    She included a thank you card with the gift..
  • 15
    We included a discount code in the promotional email..
  • 16
    They included a sample product with the order..
  • 17
    The company included a free trial period with the subscription..
  • 18
    You and I included our names on the RSVP..
  • 19
    He and she included their signatures on the contract..
  • 20
    We and they included our feedback in the survey..
  • 21
    I will include your suggestion in the meeting agenda..
  • 22
    You will include her in your guest list..
  • 23
    He will include the latest updates in his presentation..
  • 24
    She will include a coupon in her next newsletter..
  • 25
    We will include the team's achievements in the report..
  • 26
    They will include a link to the website in the social media post..
  • 27
    The company will include a training session for new employees..
  • 28
    You and I will include our phone numbers in the contact list..
  • 29
    He and she will include their recommendations in the proposal..
  • 30
    We and they will include our feedback in the evaluation..
  • 31
    I have included the necessary documents in the application..
  • 32
    You have included your preferences in the survey..
  • 33
    He has included additional information in the report..
  • 34
    She has included a photo in her presentation..
  • 35
    We have included a gift in the package..
  • 36
    They have included a disclaimer in their website..
  • 37
    The company has included a new feature in the software..
  • 38
    You and I have included our signatures on the contract..
  • 39
    He and she have included their feedback in the meeting minutes..
  • 40
    We and they have included our suggestions in the brainstorming session..