Verb to fray - Verbo to fray en español raer

Details and forms of the verb To fray

Infinitive: to fray

Gerund: fraying

Past: frayed

Participle: frayed

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Present Simple of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I fray
  • volume_up
    You fray
  • volume_up
    He/She/It frays
  • volume_up
    We fray
  • volume_up
    They fray

Present Continuous of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I am fraying
  • volume_up
    You are fraying
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is fraying
  • volume_up
    We are fraying
  • volume_up
    They are fraying

Past Simple of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I frayed
  • volume_up
    You frayed
  • volume_up
    He/She/It frayed
  • volume_up
    We frayed
  • volume_up
    They frayed

Past Continuous of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I was fraying
  • volume_up
    You were fraying
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was fraying
  • volume_up
    We were fraying
  • volume_up
    They were fraying

Present Perfect of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I have frayed
  • volume_up
    You have frayed
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has frayed
  • volume_up
    We have frayed
  • volume_up
    They have frayed

Past Perfect of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I had frayed
  • volume_up
    You had frayed
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had frayed
  • volume_up
    We had frayed
  • volume_up
    They had frayed

Future Simple of the verb to fray

  • volume_up
    I will fray
  • volume_up
    You will fray
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will fray
  • volume_up
    We will fray
  • volume_up
    They will fray

Imperativo del verbo to fray

  • volume_up

44 Sentences with the verb to fray

  • 1
    He frays the edges of his jeans to give them a worn-out look..
  • 2
    She frayed the hem of her dress while trying to shorten it..
  • 3
    They will fray the rope by tying it tightly around the tree..
  • 4
    The dog frayed the leash by chewing on it..
  • 5
    I have frayed the edges of the fabric to create a distressed effect..
  • 6
    You should be careful not to fray the delicate threads of the embroidery..
  • 7
    We frayed the rope by dragging it across the rough ground..
  • 8
    He had frayed the edges of the paper by tearing it out of the notebook..
  • 9
    She will fray the fabric by repeatedly washing it in hot water..
  • 10
    They are going to fray the edges of the carpet to give it a rustic appearance..
  • 11
    I may fray the ribbon by cutting it with dull scissors..
  • 12
    You might fray the shoelaces if you pull them too hard..
  • 13
    He had frayed the cord by constantly bending it at sharp angles..
  • 14
    She would fray the edges of the fabric to create a fringed look..
  • 15
    They frayed the rope by rubbing it against the tree trunk..
  • 16
    I frayed the edges of the painting by scraping it against the wall..
  • 17
    He frays the nerves of his coworkers with his constant complaining..
  • 18
    She frayed the relationship by constantly arguing with her partner..
  • 19
    They will fray the friendship by betraying each other's trust..
  • 20
    The constant pressure began to fray his sanity..
  • 21
    I have frayed the connection between the two ideas with my poor explanation..
  • 22
    You should be careful not to fray the delicate bond between the siblings..
  • 23
    We frayed our relationship by not communicating effectively..
  • 24
    He had frayed his reputation by constantly being late to work..
  • 25
    She will fray the trust between them by revealing their secrets..
  • 26
    They are going to fray the fabric of society with their divisive actions..
  • 27
    I may fray the trust in our friendship by sharing their private information..
  • 28
    You might fray the delicate threads of the team's unity with your negative attitude..
  • 29
    He had frayed the rope by repeatedly pulling it tightly..
  • 30
    She would fray the fabric by rubbing it against rough surfaces..
  • 31
    They frayed the edges of the paper by crumpling it up..
  • 32
    I frayed the shoelaces by pulling them too hard..
  • 33
    He frays the carpet by constantly dragging heavy furniture across it..
  • 34
    She frayed the nerves of her parents with her rebellious behavior..
  • 35
    They will fray the fabric of society with their radical ideologies..
  • 36
    The constant stress began to fray his mental health..
  • 37
    I have frayed the edges of the painting by accidentally scratching it..
  • 38
    You should be careful not to fray the delicate relationship between the two countries..
  • 39
    We frayed our friendship by constantly arguing over trivial matters..
  • 40
    He had frayed his reputation by spreading false rumors about his colleagues..
  • 41
    She will fray the trust between them by constantly doubting their intentions..
  • 42
    They are going to fray the fabric of the community with their discriminatory practices..
  • 43
    I may fray the delicate threads of our friendship by not being there for you when you needed me..
  • 44
    You might fray the bond between the siblings by always taking sides in their conflicts..