Verb to designate - Verbo to designate en español designar

Details and forms of the verb To designate

Infinitive: to designate

Gerund: designating

Past: designated

Participle: designated

¿ Cuántas palabras crees que puedes escribir en un minuto ?

Present Simple of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I designate
  • volume_up
    You designate
  • volume_up
    He/She/It designates
  • volume_up
    We designate
  • volume_up
    They designate

Present Continuous of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I am designating
  • volume_up
    You are designating
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is designating
  • volume_up
    We are designating
  • volume_up
    They are designating

Past Simple of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I designated
  • volume_up
    You designated
  • volume_up
    He/She/It designated
  • volume_up
    We designated
  • volume_up
    They designated

Past Continuous of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I was designating
  • volume_up
    You were designating
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was designating
  • volume_up
    We were designating
  • volume_up
    They were designating

Present Perfect of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I have designated
  • volume_up
    You have designated
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has designated
  • volume_up
    We have designated
  • volume_up
    They have designated

Past Perfect of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I had designated
  • volume_up
    You had designated
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had designated
  • volume_up
    We had designated
  • volume_up
    They had designated

Future Simple of the verb to designate

  • volume_up
    I will designate
  • volume_up
    You will designate
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will designate
  • volume_up
    We will designate
  • volume_up
    They will designate

Imperativo del verbo to designate

  • volume_up

44 Sentences with the verb to designate

  • 1
    He designates his knowledge to the students in his class..
  • 2
    She designates her responsibilities to her team members..
  • 3
    They designated the new project manager to handle the task..
  • 4
    We will designate a representative to attend the conference..
  • 5
    You can designate someone to collect the documents..
  • 6
    I designated my sister as the executor of my will..
  • 7
    The company designated him as the lead engineer for the project..
  • 8
    The teacher designated a group leader for the classroom activity..
  • 9
    My parents designated my aunt as my guardian..
  • 10
    The committee designated a spokesperson to address the media..
  • 11
    He designated his brother to take care of his pet while he's away..
  • 12
    She will designate a time and place for the meeting..
  • 13
    They designated the blue folder for important documents..
  • 14
    We should designate a designated driver for tonight's party..
  • 15
    You can designate any color for the logo..
  • 16
    I designated Friday as my day off..
  • 17
    The government designated the area as a national park..
  • 18
    The supervisor designated specific tasks for each employee..
  • 19
    The coach designated her star player as the team captain..
  • 20
    The mayor designated the building as a historical landmark..
  • 21
    He designates his assistant to handle all phone calls..
  • 22
    She designated her sister as her power of attorney..
  • 23
    They will designate a charity to receive the funds..
  • 24
    We should designate a safe place to meet in case of an emergency..
  • 25
    You can designate a keyword to search for in the database..
  • 26
    I designated my parents as my emergency contacts..
  • 27
    The professor designated the textbook as required reading..
  • 28
    The manager designated a new parking spot for the employee..
  • 29
    The judge designated the lawyer as the official representative..
  • 30
    He designates himself as the team leader..
  • 31
    She designated the red pen for editing purposes..
  • 32
    They will designate a spokesperson to present their demands..
  • 33
    We should designate specific bins for recycling..
  • 34
    You can designate a password for your online account..
  • 35
    I designated my friend to pick up my mail while I'm on vacation..
  • 36
    The teacher designated a study group for the difficult subject..
  • 37
    The committee designated a budget for the event..
  • 38
    The company designated a dress code for the employees..
  • 39
    He designates his son as the heir to his fortune..
  • 40
    She designated the yellow folder for urgent documents..
  • 41
    They will designate a committee to review the proposals..
  • 42
    We should designate a meeting point in case we get separated..
  • 43
    You can designate someone to represent you in court..
  • 44
    I designated Monday as the deadline for the project..