Verb to blunt - Verbo to blunt en español embotar

Details and forms of the verb To blunt

Infinitive: to blunt

Gerund: blunting

Past: blunted

Participle: blunted

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Present Simple of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I blunt
  • volume_up
    You blunt
  • volume_up
    He/She/It blunts
  • volume_up
    We blunt
  • volume_up
    They blunt

Present Continuous of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I am blunting
  • volume_up
    You are blunting
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is blunting
  • volume_up
    We are blunting
  • volume_up
    They are blunting

Past Simple of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I blunted
  • volume_up
    You blunted
  • volume_up
    He/She/It blunted
  • volume_up
    We blunted
  • volume_up
    They blunted

Past Continuous of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I was blunting
  • volume_up
    You were blunting
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was blunting
  • volume_up
    We were blunting
  • volume_up
    They were blunting

Present Perfect of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I have blunted
  • volume_up
    You have blunted
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has blunted
  • volume_up
    We have blunted
  • volume_up
    They have blunted

Past Perfect of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I had blunted
  • volume_up
    You had blunted
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had blunted
  • volume_up
    We had blunted
  • volume_up
    They had blunted

Future Simple of the verb to blunt

  • volume_up
    I will blunt
  • volume_up
    You will blunt
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will blunt
  • volume_up
    We will blunt
  • volume_up
    They will blunt

Imperativo del verbo to blunt

  • volume_up

42 Sentences with the verb to blunt

  • 1
    She blunts the knife with a sharpening stone..
  • 2
    They blunt their pencils before taking the test..
  • 3
    I will blunt the scissors if I use them to cut wire..
  • 4
    We are blunting the impact with a soft landing..
  • 5
    You should blunt the edges of the table to make it safer..
  • 6
    He blunted the blade of the axe while chopping wood..
  • 7
    They are blunting their criticism to avoid hurting her feelings..
  • 8
    The chef blunted the kitchen knife while preparing the meal..
  • 9
    I would blunt the tip of the pencil to make shading easier..
  • 10
    She was blunting her emotions to protect herself from getting hurt..
  • 11
    We will blunt the force of the punch with a defensive move..
  • 12
    He blunted the impact by wearing protective gear..
  • 13
    They are blunting their words to avoid escalating the argument..
  • 14
    The tailor blunted the needle while sewing multiple layers of fabric..
  • 15
    She should blunt the sharp corners of the coffee table to prevent accidents..
  • 16
    I will blunt the criticism by highlighting their achievements..
  • 17
    We are blunting the risk by implementing safety measures..
  • 18
    You should blunt the blade of the sword before using it in combat..
  • 19
    He blunted his anger and responded calmly to the provocation..
  • 20
    They are blunting the effects of climate change by reducing carbon emissions..
  • 21
    The dentist blunted the drill bit before starting the procedure..
  • 22
    She blunted her disappointment by focusing on the positive aspects..
  • 23
    We will blunt the impact of the fall with proper body positioning..
  • 24
    He should blunt the needle before injecting the medication..
  • 25
    They blunted their words to avoid hurting his feelings..
  • 26
    The gardener blunted the pruning shears while trimming the bushes..
  • 27
    She is blunting her anxiety by practicing deep breathing techniques..
  • 28
    We would blunt the attack with a counteroffensive..
  • 29
    He blunted the criticism by acknowledging his mistakes..
  • 30
    They are blunting their expectations to avoid disappointment..
  • 31
    The blacksmith blunted the chisel while shaping the metal..
  • 32
    She should blunt the blade of the knife before using it for cooking..
  • 33
    I will blunt my fear by facing it head-on..
  • 34
    We are blunting the impact of the recession on our business..
  • 35
    You should blunt the edge of the saw to prevent accidents..
  • 36
    He blunted his desire for revenge by forgiving the person who wronged him..
  • 37
    They are blunting their competitiveness to prioritize teamwork..
  • 38
    The surgeon blunted the scalpel before starting the surgery..
  • 39
    She blunts her emotions to avoid getting overwhelmed..
  • 40
    We will blunt the criticism by presenting a well-researched argument..
  • 41
    He should blunt the point of the needle before stitching the fabric..
  • 42
    They blunted their disappointment by focusing on other opportunities..