Verb to atrophy - Verbo to atrophy en español atrofiar

Details and forms of the verb To atrophy

Infinitive: to atrophy

Gerund: atrophy

Past: atrophied

Participle: atrophied

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Present Simple of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I atrophy
  • volume_up
    You atrophy
  • volume_up
    He/She/It atrophys
  • volume_up
    We atrophy
  • volume_up
    They atrophy

Present Continuous of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I am atrophy
  • volume_up
    You are atrophy
  • volume_up
    He/She/It is atrophy
  • volume_up
    We are atrophy
  • volume_up
    They are atrophy

Past Simple of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I atrophied
  • volume_up
    You atrophied
  • volume_up
    He/She/It atrophied
  • volume_up
    We atrophied
  • volume_up
    They atrophied

Past Continuous of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I was atrophy
  • volume_up
    You were atrophy
  • volume_up
    He/She/It was atrophy
  • volume_up
    We were atrophy
  • volume_up
    They were atrophy

Present Perfect of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I have atrophied
  • volume_up
    You have atrophied
  • volume_up
    He/She/It has atrophied
  • volume_up
    We have atrophied
  • volume_up
    They have atrophied

Past Perfect of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I had atrophied
  • volume_up
    You had atrophied
  • volume_up
    He/She/It had atrophied
  • volume_up
    We had atrophied
  • volume_up
    They had atrophied

Future Simple of the verb to atrophy

  • volume_up
    I will atrophy
  • volume_up
    You will atrophy
  • volume_up
    He/She/It will atrophy
  • volume_up
    We will atrophy
  • volume_up
    They will atrophy

Imperativo del verbo to atrophy

  • volume_up

44 Sentences with the verb to atrophy

  • 1
    She allows her muscles to atrophy by not exercising regularly..
  • 2
    They fear that their skills will atrophy if they don't keep practicing..
  • 3
    He had let his relationship with his friends atrophy over time..
  • 4
    We should not allow our creativity to atrophy by sticking to a routine..
  • 5
    You will see your plants atrophy if you don't water them regularly..
  • 6
    The company's profits began to atrophy due to poor management..
  • 7
    I watched my dreams atrophy as I settled for a mundane job..
  • 8
    She realized her love for music had atrophied after years of not playing any instrument..
  • 9
    They were determined not to let their passion for art atrophy..
  • 10
    He had let his language skills atrophy by not practicing speaking..
  • 11
    We should prevent our bodies from atrophying by staying active..
  • 12
    You can't let your confidence atrophy by always seeking validation from others..
  • 13
    The lack of sunlight caused the plants to atrophy..
  • 14
    I noticed that my motivation had atrophied after a long period of stress..
  • 15
    She had let her cooking skills atrophy by relying too much on fast food..
  • 16
    They didn't want their creativity to atrophy, so they joined an art class..
  • 17
    He will let his muscles atrophy if he stops going to the gym..
  • 18
    We need to prevent our minds from atrophying by constantly learning..
  • 19
    You shouldn't let your relationships atrophy by neglecting them..
  • 20
    The team's chemistry had atrophied after losing several key players..
  • 21
    I will not let my determination atrophy, no matter the obstacles..
  • 22
    She realized her empathy had atrophied after years of working in a competitive environment..
  • 23
    They had let their communication skills atrophy by not talking to each other openly..
  • 24
    He couldn't let his language abilities atrophy, so he practiced every day..
  • 25
    We mustn't allow our skills to atrophy by not seeking new challenges..
  • 26
    You may see your muscles atrophy if you stop exercising suddenly..
  • 27
    The lack of practice caused her skills to atrophy..
  • 28
    I observed that my patience had atrophied after dealing with difficult situations for a long time..
  • 29
    She will let her creativity atrophy if she doesn't make time for artistic pursuits..
  • 30
    They didn't want their passion for sports to atrophy, so they joined a team..
  • 31
    He had let his knowledge atrophy by not keeping up with the latest advancements..
  • 32
    We should prevent our relationships from atrophying by spending quality time together..
  • 33
    You can't let your confidence atrophy by constantly doubting yourself..
  • 34
    The lack of stimulation caused their brains to atrophy..
  • 35
    I realized that my enthusiasm had atrophied after going through a series of disappointments..
  • 36
    She had let her leadership skills atrophy by not taking on any challenging projects..
  • 37
    They didn't want their musical talents to atrophy, so they practiced diligently..
  • 38
    He will let his social skills atrophy if he isolates himself from others..
  • 39
    We need to prevent our bodies from atrophying by adopting a healthy lifestyle..
  • 40
    You shouldn't let your motivation atrophy by always procrastinating..
  • 41
    The lack of opportunities caused their dreams to atrophy..
  • 42
    I will not let my confidence atrophy, even in the face of criticism..
  • 43
    She realized her curiosity had atrophied after years of following the same routine..
  • 44
    They had let their problem-solving skills atrophy by not challenging themselves intellectually..